linguistics, computers, and puns


A Scala Interview - Part 2 -

A Scala Interview - Part 1 -


Dead Tree Nostalgia -


Dead Tree Nostalgia -


Dead Tree Nostalgia -


Portable, Encrypted USB Drives with ZFS -


I/O Bottlenecks in Rust -

I/O Bottlenecks in C -


I/O Bottlenecks in C -

Load Average for the Masses -


Infinite Sequences in JavaScript -


Infinite Sequences in JavaScript -

A Scala Interview - Part 3 -

A Scala Interview - Part 2 -

A Scala Interview - Part 1 -


A Scala Interview - Part 3 -


Infinite Sequences in JavaScript -

A Scala Interview - Part 3 -

A Scala Interview - Part 2 -

A Scala Interview - Part 1 -


Infinite Sequences in JavaScript -

Give Me a Sine -


JVM Upgrade for SmartOS -


Then I Bought a Kneeboard -


Infinite Sequences in JavaScript -


Portable, Encrypted USB Drives with ZFS -

A Little Bit Louder Now -

Load Average for the Masses -

Linux Desktop Revisited -


Portable, Encrypted USB Drives with ZFS -

A Little Bit Louder Now -

Linux Desktop Revisited -

Not Funny Ha-Ha -


Give Me a Sine -


OpenSSH as a SOCKS proxy -

Not Funny Ha-Ha -


I/O Bottlenecks in Rust -

I/O Bottlenecks in C -


Stupid Perl Tricks -


Then I Bought a Kneeboard -


Dead Tree Nostalgia -


I/O Bottlenecks in Rust -


A Scala Interview - Part 3 -

A Scala Interview - Part 2 -

A Scala Interview - Part 1 -


OpenSSH as a SOCKS proxy -

Not Funny Ha-Ha -


A Little Bit Louder Now -


OpenSSH as a SOCKS proxy -

Not Funny Ha-Ha -


OpenSSH as a SOCKS proxy -


Infinite Sequences in JavaScript -


A Little Bit Louder Now -

JVM Upgrade for SmartOS -

Load Average for the Masses -


Portable, Encrypted USB Drives with ZFS -